Finding a Military Resume Writer who can translate your Australian Defence Force experience into terminology that the civilian and commercial world can appreciate can be difficult.

A lot of general resume writers may not have the experience or understanding of Defence terminology to be able to convey clearly and succinctly the value and relevant skills that a Defence background brings.

When selecting a military resume writer who can develop a Defence-to-civilian resume consider the following:

  • Are they an experienced or credentialed resume writer?  Ask about their background? Do they hold industry qualifications such as CDI’s Certified Advanced Resume Writer or Certified Master Resume Writer credentials? Are they published?  Have they won any awards?  Has their work been featured in any major forums?
  • Do they regularly write for Australian Defence personnel?   Do they understand the intricacies of Australian Defence roles and military terminology? Can they give testimonials from satisfied Defence personnel?
  • Are they experienced with the Australian market?  Australian resumes are distinctly different to resumes for other parts of the world. It’s important your writer is familiar with our market idiosyncrasies. Is the individual a member of the Career Development Association of Australia (make sure to check that they are a professional member who is required to abide by CDAA professional status requirements including continuing education hours, not just a corporate member)?
  • How do they conduct the resume writing process? It’s important to find a writer who will spend time working with you to map your achievements. Filling out a data sheet should be only part of the process. A detailed consultation to understand your goals and to flesh out core achievements and experience is critical.
  • How much do they charge and how much time will they be investing in getting it right?  Developing an effective military-to-civilian resume takes time. You need a resume writer who understands this otherwise you are wasting your money. Avoid cheap resumes as you usually get what you pay for.  There is no point throwing away money on a document that doesn’t work. Military resumes need to be crafted carefully to ensure they are competitive in industry – if its too cheap warning bells should be ringing!
  • Do they understand current technologies including Applicant Tracking Systems and will they help you understand and work with these systems? Today most recruiters use applicant tracking systems to manage their selection processes. It’s important your resume writer helps you to understand and use your resume effectively to work with these systems and to find keywords suitable to your target roles.

If you need any assistance with your ADF career transition, contact us for advice.

Good luck. I wish health, happiness and career satisfaction always!