Job Outlook is a careers and labour market research information site to help you decide on your future career.

By the Australian Taxation Office
If you have just started working or are changing your job, leaving or preparing to retire, you will need to understand how your tax and super work.

My Skills connects individuals and employers looking to undertake training with training organisations that best suit their needs.

Losing your job isn't just about your career. It can affect your health and relationships. The first thing to do is sort out your finances for the next 2 months. After that, you can start thinking about the longer term. MoneySmart page with information and guidance to help you look after yourself and work out where you stand financially. Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Resources for Employers

By Business Victoria
When making a position redundant or retrenching staff an employer is responsible for following the Fair Work Act 2009, conditions under the National Employment Standards (NES) and any other employee awards or contracts. Use the checklist for redundancy to make sure you cover your legal obligations and consider all your options.

Read the full article

By The Fair Work Ombudsman
Helpful checklist for employers when planning potential redundancies.

Download checklist

by The Fair Work Ombudsman
The Fair Work Ombudsman provides information about issues related to unfair dismissal, redundancy, unlawful termination, redundancy and unlawful treatment in the workplace.

Read the full article

Other Resources

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