Due to market conditions, the company was facing the need to downsize and wanted to provide the best support possible to their staff.
They were highly conscious of their employer brand and reputation and genuinely cared about their workforce. They went to market to assess alternative outplacement service providers and opted for Outplacement Australia to deliver career transition support during this large-scale redundancy project.
Heavy Vehicle & Resource Industry
450 apprentices, trades and management staff across metropolitan and regional locations in three states. Potential high media attention.
450 Positions
Apprentices, trades and management staff
3 States
Metropolitan and regional locations
Speak with our outplacement team about how we can support you.
Planning & Execution
Working closely with the company we devised a strategy for career transition support with the aim of providing as much support to affected staff as possible within their specified budgets. Together with the company we structured the outplacement services offering to give each person maximum flexibility, control and value. This included providing individuals with their choice of how they wanted to use the sponsored support (through workshops or one-to-one support).

To ensure a smooth and effective program we:

Designed detailed notification day resources
outlining available career support structures and providing people with information to assist them during the emotionally turbulent first few days. This is important as many people during notification support may not take in verbal information easily and reference materials can be highly helpful.

Manager preparation training
sessions were held to discuss available support structures for staff and to offer tips for communicating on the day of notification. Managers were understandably concerned and we worked with them to talk through ways to ensure staff are provided maximum benefit from the program support.

Onsite support on the day of notification
was provided via Career Practitioners who met with staff following notification to talk about available help and to identify and assist with post-notification emotions.

Each individual was given the option
of multiple sessions of one to one career coaching (including resume development assistance) or access to a one day intensive career development workshop that covered resume development, interviews, job search and on-the-day recruiter introductions.

A tailored career resources manual
was designed including resume samples for trade, apprenticeship, office and management positions, application letter samples, job search strategy, interview guides and preparation questions. Included was also a list of suitable industry job boards, recruiters and web resources.

Throughout the post-notification period
we spoke with dozens of employers interested in employing staff affected from the redundancy and information posts and lists of potential employers and recruiter contacts were collected and distributed to all affected staff.

The program received strong positive feedback from management and program participants for high levels of support and care.
Feedback from Management:
“I know I have probably said it a thousand times, but please pass on our thanks to all of the consultants who were involved in the process. I think it’s been clear through this that we made a good decision in engaging your team.”
“Give your people the care they need.”
Industry Awards & Credentials
We are committed to the highest of standards. Our team includes award-winning, certified resume writers and qualified career practitioners.
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Call us, we'd love tohear from you.
Find out how we can design a program to meet your needs.
Not familiar with outplacement? Learn more in our information section – what is outplacement?